12 January 2009

This is the most facile portrait of what's going on these days in the Economy

30 year Fannie Mae mortgage (blue) vs. 30 year Jumbo mortgage (green)

From Greenspan Put 2003 to present...

Close up, from Housing Market Peak 2006 to present...

The Collapse of the Private Equity Ponzi Scheme (Aug 2007)

The Self-Immolation of Bear Stearns (Mar 2008)

Nationalization of Fanny Mae (July/Aug 2008),

The Destruction/Retreat of the I-Banks (Sept/Oct 2008),

The Beginning of Quantative Easing
(Nov/December 2008)


Economic Indicators against a backdrop of Mortgage Rates

Prime Rate...

5 year portrait of unemployment...

Inflation (Producer's Price Index)

5 year portrait of paper wealth...

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